Charts of Major
Opinion and Voting Trends
and Economic Trends
in Various Countries, 1991-97
- Government
Spending in Various Countries, 1991-97
- Spending
on Research and Development in Various Countries, 1991-97
- Median
Family Income, 1947-97
- Women's
Labor Force Participation and Income, 1900-98
- Percent
of Children in Various Types of Families , 1972-98
- Income
Differences by Region, 1840-1995
- Social
Class Self-Identification, 1949-98
- Emplyment
Growth in the Service & Manufacturing Sectors, 1976-2002
- Unemployment
Rates by Sex, Race, & Industrial Sector, 1976-2002
- Recessions
and Jobs, 1976-2002
- Longtime
Homeowners a Relative Rarity in U.S., Census Shows (NYTimes)
and Political Trends
- Trends
in Party Identification, 1940-94
- Trends
in Party Identification, 1992-99
- Approval
of the President's Job: General & Economic, 1977-98
- Presidential
Job Approval, 1953-98
- Party
Vote for Congress, 1932-98
- Party
Strength in Congress by Region, 1952-98
- Vote
by Region, 1952-92
- Vote
by Gender, 1976-96
- Vote
by Class, 1944-92
- Vote
by Race, 1944-92
- Vote
by Religion, 1944-92
- Trends
in Black Voting, 1936-92
- Campaign
Contributions by Major Sector, 1998
- Political
Action Committees (PACs), 1976-98
- Decline in Voter Turnout,
Multinational 1950s-90s: Table, Chart
- Decline
in Party Identification, Multinational 1950s-90s
- Rise
in Electoral Volatility, Multinational 1950s-90s
and Political Participation
Confidence, Patriotism, and Anomie
- Changes after the Terrorist
Attacks of September 11, 2001
- Confidence
in Major Institutions, 1973-93
- Confidence
in Major Institutions, 1973-93, cont.
- Trust
in Government, 1958-2003
- Government
Officials Care what I Think, 1987-97
- Crooked
People Running Government, 1958-97
- Big
Government a Problem, 1959-95
- Favor
Smaller Government, 1976-96
- Regional
Differences in Interpersonal Trust, 1980-96
- Political Support in Various
Countries (Hans-Dieter Klingemann) -
- Rise
of Interest in Politics, Multinational 1950s-90s
- Citizenship
Preference in Various Countries
- Emigration
Desires in Various Countries
- Proud
of Democracy in Various Countries
- Support
for Country in Various Countries
and Political Values