Rick Weil's little Animated Cartoons!

On this site you'll find my animated gifs (little computer animations) ... some of my old cartoons and prints ... an Animal Alphabet I made for little children of all ages ... and also some of my figure drawings!

I make a new animated gif from time to time, depending on how much free time I have (it's a hobby).  So check back here now and then, and you might see a new one!  To help return visitors, the latest AniGifs are here.   (Latest: 6/18/03)  (I haven't made too many new ones recently.  Okay, I admit it; I took up a new hobby: guitar & harmonica - this is me...or was it this...)

   Go to my Anigifs!   

See the New Orleans Second Linin' here!
See a whole page of Truckin' Clowns here!
See Lotsa
Halloween gifs here!
Customer Relations at Major American Corporations here!
See the Pokéwomon here!

Drawings (since 2021)

Go to my old cartoons and prints!   Visit Daddy's Best Friends!
My figure Drawings
  An animal alphabet (at least part of one)
  for small children of all ages!
Footnotes! (About Me & About the Site)   Links to Other AniGif Sites & WebRings!

Go to the AniGifs !

Harriet Hippo

This Site is Rated..


and Always..

    FreeGraphics.com             Animated Gif Artists Guild
... a button if you'd like to link to me:

AniGifs by rw51 !

Wotta Kick!! - I'm...
"Winner of the Fist Annual
Rex Hells Bubbly Skul of Aprewval!"
(from the Rexinator: Rex Sutton!)

Visit Rex!!  (This image copyright by  Rex Sutton)

Animated gifs and all other images Copyright © 1998-2009 by Rick Weil; all rights reserved.  You may use them freely for noncommercial use.  You may not use them for commercial use.  You may not use them to promote hate, violence, or pornography.

See my sociology (professional) website at www.rickweil.com.

Home | AniGifs | Old Comic Strips | Daddy's Best Friends