About Me !


   (This is not me ...)

I published a lot of cartoons in my college newspaper, the Harvard Crimson, and humor magazine, the Harvard Lampoon, back in the late 1960s and early 1970s.  Then I went to the School of the Art Institute of Chicago for a year and made a lot of silk screen prints and etchings.  I didn't stay in art, but I still enjoy cartooning - and I enjoy computers.  In '98, I stumbled on a cool combination of the two - animated gifs.  (A gif is a computer picture file.)  I've started making anigifs as a hobby, and I'm having a blast!

My Mug Shot

(My Mug Shot ...)

...and About the Site !
Here's the business stuff!  I made all the images on this site, except for a few that are noted.  They're all copyrighted, and I retain the legal rights to them, but you can use them for your non-commercial fun.  If you want to use anything for commercial purposes (including nonprofits), please email me for permission at  You can't use them in support of hate, violence, or pornography.
  A word about browsers ...  For reasons I don't understand, these animated gifs play at different speeds in Internet Explorer and Netscape.  No matter how I time them, they look wrong in one or the other browser.  I've got them timed for Internet Explorer, so they're going to look slow to you Netscape users.  Sorry 'bout that.  Also, starting with IE 5 or 6, some of the anigifs have started getting ugly horizontal lines through them. I've been told there's no way to fix this.  Don'tcha love progress at Microsoft? ... Not!

...So don't hang around here ... go look at the pics !

(*Animated footnotes copyright © by Kitty Roach
of PageWorks; used by permission.)


Animated gifs and all other images Copyright © 1998-2002 by Rick Weil; all rights reserved.  You may use them freely for noncommercial use.  You may not use them for commercial use.  You may not use them to promote hate, violence, or pornography.

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