Links, WebRings, & Other Stuff!

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Links to Animation, Cartoon & Graphics sites !

(plus, here's a button if you want to link to me...)

AniGifs by rw51 !

  (Lots of these are now hopelessly out of date. I haven't kept up...)

Membership & WebRings

Animated Gif Artists Guild

Agagmanw.gif (13938 bytes)

Welcome to the Ring of Animated Art!

This ring is owned by the Animated GIF Artists Guild.
All Guild Members are welcome to join the ring.

For information please visit our home page!

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WebRing of Free GIFs

This Web-Ring of Free GIFs
site is owned by rw51

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Animated gifs and all other images Copyright © 1998-2000 by Rick Weil; all rights reserved.  You may use them freely for noncommercial use.  You may not use them for commercial use.  You may not use them to promote hate, violence, or pornography.

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