Diagrams of Social Theory
© by Frederick Weil, Sociology Dept., LSU
(sorry some are a little fuzzy)
Karl Marx
Selected Diagrams
The Communist Manifesto
The German Ideology
Base Structure and Superstructure
The Historical Dialectic
The circulation of commodities
The workday
Capital, Vol. 1, Part 8 "On Primitive Accumulation"
Max Weber
Definition of Sociology as a science
General Economic History
The "Town-Crown Alliance"
Dynamic tendencies in the forms of Legitimate Domination
Suicide diagrams
Tocqueville and Durkheim
Decentralized and Centralized Societies
Georg Simmel
Intersecting Social Circles
Social Networks
Malthus & Spencer on Scarcity
Talcott Parsons
Outline of the Social System
Comparative Studies and Evolutionary Change
Diagrams from the NY Times
How Would You Draw History? By Crispin Sartwell, Nov. 19, 2018