Sociology 2211 - Class Schedule - Fall '23
Updated: 10/22/23
Computer Lab Exercises from Healey Class Projects Lecture/Reading in Schutt
Monday Wednesday Friday
21-Aug 23-Aug 25-Aug
Introduction to the course & website Introduction to the Covid project Introduction to Photographic Sociology
28-Aug 30-Aug 1-Sep
  Selection of survey themes Intro to Census assignment
Using SPSS & datasets Finding questions on the GSS Theory construction & hypothesis testing; ch. 1-3
4-Sep 6-Sep 8-Sep
  5 GSS questions (1st set)  
Labor Day Questionnaire development Census assgn
11-Sep 13-Sep 15-Sep
  5 GSS questions (2nd set) Healey 4 assgn
Religiosity: ch. 4 Questionnaire development Conceptualization and measurement; ch. 4
18-Sep 20-Sep 22-Sep
  IRB quiz Healey 5 assgn
  Intro to Photo assignment Address Based Sampling quiz
Attitudes toward abortion: ch. 5   Causation and research design; ch. 6
25-Sep 27-Sep 29-Sep
  Quiz on Visual Sociology article Healey 7 assgn
Crime: ch. 7 5 photos due (1st set) Sampling; ch. 5
2-Oct 4-Oct 6-Oct
Inequality and gender: ch. 9 Fall Holiday Fall Holiday
9-Oct 11-Oct 13-Oct
    Healey 9 assgn
Review for Mid-term exam Mid-term exam AmStatAssn brochure quiz
    Survey research; ch 8
16-Oct 18-Oct 20-Oct
  5 photos presentation (1st set) Healey 10 assgn
Inequality and race: ch. 10 5 photos due (2nd set) Qualitative Methods; Schutt ch. 10
23-Oct 25-Oct 27-Oct
  5 photos presentation (2nd set) Healey 11 assgn
The Family: ch. 11   Qualitative Data Analysis; ch. 11
30-Oct 1-Nov 3-Nov
Xcredit: Submit Survey Questionss for Hardships in Power Outages Intro to Analyzing Covid Interviews Healey 12 assgn
Voting: ch. 12 Select Themes for Covid IVs Comparative and historical research; ch. 15
6-Nov 8-Nov 10-Nov
  5 Covid IV Themes due (1st set) Proposals for final report due
Intro to Final Reports Discussion of Covid Themes 1 Experimental research; ch. 7
13-Nov 15-Nov 17-Nov
1st progress report on final report 5 Covid IV Themes due (2nd set) Project Prep
Project Prep Discussion of Covid Themes 2 Read ch. 12, 14, 16 on your own
20-Nov 22-Nov 24-Nov
Xcredit: Complete Survey Interviews for Hardships in Power Outages    
2nd progress report on final report    
Project Prep Thanksgiving Thanksgiving
27-Nov 29-Nov 1-Dec
Project Presentations Project Presentations Reports due
Tuesday, December 5, 3:00-5:00pm Final Exam