Baton Rouge 2001, Trust & Social Capital: Correlations

Baton Rouge 2001 (N = 358)
  Social Trust Inter-Racial Trust Trust Public Authorities factor Trust Private People factor Trust City Government
Age .217** -.050 .030 .282** -.026
Education .131* .009 -.089 .140* .170**
Household income .208** .031 -.054 .204** .092
Gender (male = 1) -.053 -.059 -.082 -.027 -.046
Children dummy .090 .009 .080 .155* -.005
Married dummy .176** -.024 .096 .200** .101
Married with Children .193** .015 .113 .243** .118*
Black dummy -.372** -.086 -.090 -.342** -.117*
White dummy .399** .097 .133* .384** .128*
Protestant dummy -.098 .050 .003 -.161* -.032
Catholic dummy .183** .004 .025 .159* .067
Other Religion dummy -.044 -.051 .003 .062 .087
No Religion dummy -.149** -.063 -.028 -.100 -.136*
Party Identification detailed (GOP = +) .247** .053 .081 .249** .215**
Presidential Vote 2000 (Gore +) -.270** -.025 -.085 -.308** -.161**
Voter Turnout 2000 .154** .050 .107 .154* .035
Ideology (Cons +) .136* .028 .175* .143* .148**
Days read a daily newspaper .081 .042 .096 .117 .051
Hours per day watching TV -.078 -.040 -.114 -.121 -.089
Importance: Being financially secure -.117* .058 .174** -.122 .108*
Importance: Being married .287** .182** .172* .231** .146**
Importance: Having children .195** .123* .176** .072 .102
Importance: Having faith in God .108* .059 .149* .066 .011
Trust City government .372** .346** .615** .140* --
Attention to minority groups in schools -.146** .005 -.183** -.122 -.125*
Racism in the work place a problem -.178** -.025 -.236** -.111 -.137*
Marriage Rights for gay couples -.045 .050 -.100 -.059 .006
Inter-Racial Tolerance of Marriage -.066 .112* -.031 -.083 .020
Americans have too little free speech -.157** -.002 -.116 -.179** -.107*
Let militarist speak .084 .075 -.042 .107 .000
Legal to burn the American flag .033 .085 -.117 .115 -.011
Favor hate crime law -.060 .088 -.057 -.065 -.008
Courts too harsh with criminals -.051 .177** -.040 -.069 -.037
Laws on firearms more strict -.028 -.071 .041 .072 -.103
Discipline child with a spanking (oppose) .109* .011 .012 .117 .027
Afraid to walk alone at night -.060 .006 .080 -.103 .008
Oppose death penalty -.006 .038 -.015 -.023 .023
Priority - Moral values over econ growth -.045 -.062 -.011 -.008 -.089
Trust Public Authorities Factor = Trust Grade and high school teachers, Journalists, Congressmen, City government, Medical doctors, the local news media, the police in your local community, Clergy
Trust Private People Factor = Trust People in your neighborhood, People who work in the stores where you shop, Most People, People you work with, People at your church or place of worship
Baton Rouge 2001 (N = 358), continued
  Inter-Racial Marriage Tolerance Civic Leadership Associational Involvement Informal Socializing Faith-Based Engagement
Age -.182** -.004 .033 -.417** .281**
Education -.080 .266** .303** .083 .026
Household income -.113 .214** .232** -.084 .160**
Gender (male = 1) -.015 -.094 -.065 -.104* -.214**
Children dummy -.097 .063 .230** -.306** .301**
Married dummy -.155** .124* .196** -.198** .315**
Married with Children -.167** .135* .231** -.195** .324**
Black dummy .280** -.097 -.027 .009 .057
White dummy -.294** .051 .019 .039 -.044
Protestant dummy .074 -.098 .040 -.084 .125*
Catholic dummy -.101 .132* .016 .107* .054
Other Religion dummy .024 .074 .041 -.053 .100
No Religion dummy .038 -.123* -.124* .044 -.404**
Party Identification detailed (GOP = +) -.240** .088 .050 .039 .063
Presidential Vote 2000 (Gore +) .161** -.080 -.046 .039 -.036
Voter Turnout 2000 -.024 .108 .178** -.115* .269**
Ideology (Cons +) -.216** .102 .088 -.075 .220**
Days read a daily newspaper -.103 .092 .158** -.106* .153**
Hours per day watching TV .141* -.118* -.026 -.030 .044
Importance: Being financially secure -.035 -.062 -.027 .028 -.012
Importance: Being married -.120* .066 .030 -.013 .196**
Importance: Having children -.067 .118* .096 -.081 .280**
Importance: Having faith in God .066 .151** .170** -.094 .401**
Trust City government .020 .130* .063 .089 .116*
Attention to minority groups in schools .316** -.030 -.074 .026 -.030
Racism in the work place a problem .169** -.038 -.007 .030 -.036
Marriage Rights for gay couples .279** -.052 -.066 .203** -.376**
Inter-Racial Tolerance of Marriage -- -.059 -.037 .023 -.023
Americans have too little free speech .154** -.039 -.060 .010 -.109*
Let militarist speak -.002 .086 .084 .070 -.075
Legal to burn the American flag .035 .065 .044 .076 -.292**
Favor hate crime law .063 .054 .034 .068 .093
Courts too harsh with criminals .092 -.029 -.124* .034 -.131*
Laws on firearms more strict .103 .078 .090 .007 .108*
Discipline child with a spanking (oppose) -.063 .061 .048 -.007 -.057
Afraid to walk alone at night -.018 .018 .015 .006 .039
Oppose death penalty .066 .055 .057 -.059 .053
Priority - Moral values over econ growth -.018 -.073 -.035 -.061 .064
Trust Public Authorities Factor = Trust Grade and high school teachers, Journalists, Congressmen, City government, Medical doctors, the local news media, the police in your local community, Clergy
Trust Private People Factor = Trust People in your neighborhood, People who work in the stores where you shop, Most People, People you work with, People at your church or place of worship