Baton Rouge 2001, Trust City Govt: Correlations

Baton Rouge 2001 (N = 358)
  Trust City Government
Age -.026
Education .170**
Household income .092
Gender (male = 1) -.046
Children dummy -.005
Married dummy .101
Married with Children .118*
Black dummy -.117*
White dummy .128*
Protestant dummy -.032
Catholic dummy .067
Other Religion dummy .087
No Religion dummy -.136*
Party Identification detailed (GOP = +) .215**
Presidential Vote 2000 (Gore +) -.161**
Voter Turnout 2000 .035
Ideology (Cons +) .148**
Days read a daily newspaper .051
Hours per day watching TV -.089
Importance: Being financially secure .108*
Importance: Being married .146**
Importance: Having children .102
Importance: Having faith in God .011
Attention to minority groups in schools -.125*
Racism in the work place a problem -.137*
Marriage Rights for gay couples .006
Inter-Racial Tolerance of Marriage .020
Americans have too little free speech -.107*
Let militarist speak .000
Legal to burn the American flag -.011
Favor hate crime law -.008
Courts too harsh with criminals -.037
Laws on firearms more strict -.103
Discipline child with a spanking (oppose) .027
Afraid to walk alone at night .008
Oppose death penalty .023
Priority - Moral values over econ growth -.089
Social Trust .372**
Inter-Racial Trust .346**
Trust Public Authorities factor .615**
Trust Private People factor .140*
Inter-Racial Marriage Tolerance .020
Civic Leadership .130*
Associational Involvement .063
Informal Socializing .089
Faith-Based Engagement .116*
Trust Public Authorities Factor = Trust Grade and high school teachers, Journalists, Congressmen, City government, Medical doctors, the local news media, the police in your local community, Clergy
Trust Private People Factor = Trust People in your neighborhood, People who work in the stores where you shop, Most People, People you work with, People at your church or place of worship